In other news...
This has probably been one of the longest weeks of my life. Let's see:
Thursday (July 8) - Newspaper interview
Friday (July 9) - Front page news, damage control, last day of chemotherapy before transplant, PEREZ HILTON shout-out. HUGE influx of facebook group members!
Saturday (July 10) - Global Shift article
Sunday (July 11) - Unproductive M.A.M. Meeting
Monday (July 12) - Drama/Crisis/BIGTIMEDamageControl. My very first meltdown :) (total gongshow, by the way)
Tuesday (July 13) - Productive M.A.M. Meeting
Wednesday (July 14) - Bone Marrow Biopsy Results (74% down to 16%!!!!)
Thursday (July 15) - A **LOT** of M.A.M. Work
Friday (July 16) - Monsters Against Myeloma is LIVE!
Saturday/Sunday (July 17/18) - Rest
Monday (Today) - Begin Autologous Stem Cell Transplant process.
Shiz. We've definitely been busy. Overall, I think my stress level has probably gone up a couple notches. From the fundraiser to some family issues to the stress of the transplant, it is a miracle I have not been admitted into an institute yet. To tell you the truth, I am absolutely terrified of this transplant coming up. Not so much the procedure itself (although that is undoubtedly a bit daunting), but more so wondering how my mom will take it... All I want to do is protect her, but in these situations, it is QUITE a frequent occurrence to feel powerless... But not hopeless. Because there is ALWAYS hope. Sometimes it feels like a David and Goliath battle. But we all know what the outcome of that situation was right? ;) So, like every other day, I put on my brave face and do everything all over again. Its not easy, but you'd be surprised in the places you are able to draw strength from. We're starting a new chapter now, so wish us luck :) And for my prayer warriors out there, please pray that this thing goes without a hitch. That my mom has a super speedy recovery. And that it will be the last thing needed to set her into a long and lasting remission. Thank you :)
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I align with your intentions for a successful transplant, that all hands at work on your Mom are guided to do the best they can to bring her through this easily and correctly, that her recovery is brisk and filled with positive events for her and those around her and that this transplant brings her added years and better health.... so be it and SO IT IS... Amen.
ReplyDeleteHey there!
ReplyDeleteAgain I totally know where you are right now. My mom is heading home tomorrow from her transplant, barring complications overnight. She was in for 15 days (or getting out on Day +12 I believe) and its a wild ride. Please feel free to email me as I would be happy to share her experience with you. As you know everyone's journey is different, but I have learned a TON during this process. There are some days that the best thing you can do is just be there, even if you are sleeping in the chair next to her while she sleeps. Have faith, you both will get through it, just take things a moment at a time.
Good luck to you and your mama bear!
-Laura :)
I am praying for your Mom. Sorry I haven't helped more with Monsters against myeloma-not doing too well. I am praying for a successful concert too.
Sandy: Beautiful. Thank you so very much. That means a LOT <3
ReplyDeleteLaura: I hope your mom is doing well! Hopefully this will be the last thing she needs before a cure is found. I would LOVE to hear about your transplant experience. The process has already started and I'm getting a little anxious :S
Rebecca: You have been such an immense support from the get-go :) You have helped plenty! Are you ok? I hope you get better and stay that way!